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Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • Using a professional rabbit sitter reaps benefits for both bunnies and their owners. For rabbits, the benefits include:

    • Being surrounded by familiar sights, smells and sounds
    • Following his/her regular diet and exercise routine
    • Having play time (which rabbits require a lot of)
    • Receiving love and personal attention
    • Maintaining medical treatment when necessary
    • Having someone responsible in case of an emergency
    • Eliminating the trauma of travel or an unfamiliar environment
    • Ensuring good health (no exposure to other animals’ illness or parasites)
    For owners, the benefits include:
    • Knowing that your pet is in caring, loving hands
    • Having the confidence that the I can deal with other issues – such as grooming, vet visits
    • Eliminating the trauma of having to transport and leave your pet especially as pet hotels and other boarders aren't suited to handle rabbits
    • Not having to impose on family, friends or neighbors
  • Rachel's Rabbits constantly strives to provide the best services possible so that you and your pet truly have the peace of mind you deserve when you are away. I guarantee reliable, quality, trustworthy service. I make every effort to make pet sitting as affordable as possible. I do not charge extra to administer meds or for nail trims and groomings (aka trimming of matted fur).

    l also offer a great deal of flexibility in regard to scheduling, I work with you rather than visa versa. I also offer free rabbit education to owners should they have any questions about rabbit care such as diet, housing, vet care, and more. I also do not allow other animals in the house (such as dogs, cats etc) and all rabbits are to always remain indoors in a safe, climate controlled environment. I also have over a decade of experience as a rabbit owner myself and thoroughly understand rabbits and their unique needs.

  • Since they will be living with me, they will be constantly checked on and never left alone. They get free run of the house every day, as rabbits need lots of exercise per day.

    In addition, I also make sure to do a daily health check which is looking at your rabbits eyes, ears, feet, body, litter box habits (aka pooping), daily water intake etc to monitor any changes, as well as how well they are eating. A rabbit that suddenly stops wanting their favorite treats or food is a sick rabbit that needs a vet evaluation asap. To evaluate bloat or stasis, I simply palpate the abdomen to feel for how soft or hard it is. A hard as a rock stomach indicates bloat, which is extremely fatal and the treatment for bloat vs gi stasis is very different.

  • I can administer oral, topical, and injectable medication , as well as subcutaneous fluids. But please let me know ahead of time what special needs your rabbit has so I can plan for it properly.

  • No, I do not! It is included in the rate for the visit.

  • Several ways. You can inquire through the form on the contact page, email me at [email protected], or you can call me at (631) 341-0432. You can also book me online through SimplyBookMe. It's free, and fast.

  • The more notice, the better. As soon as you schedule something that will require you to enlist our help, you should schedule service right away. Even if it’s tentative, as long as you cancel with at least 24 hrs notice, there will not be a penalty. I understand that last minute things come up, and I always do my best to accommodate you at those times. But there is never a guarantee of availability for last minute requests.

  • Yes, I do! One rabbit is $30 per night, a bonded couple is $35 per night. Trios would be $40 per night

  • You can pay me via paypal, cash or Stripe. For Paypal or Stripe, an invoice will be generated.

  • Of course! I understand the anxiety of leaving your furbaby with someone else. I offer daily photos and updates and an open line of communication in case you have any questions.

  • If I suspect there is something wrong with your rabbit, I will immediately try contacting you to go over it and put a plan in place. If I cannot reach you, I promise to use my own judgment in regards to seeking medical care. I will make the call whether it is something that can be handled at home or with a rabbit savvy vet, of which I know several. You will then be billed for any and all costs associated with the visit